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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Week 4 Day 1 Activity 2 of SLJ.

This morning I woke up like a flower blossoming to go make breakfast. A delicious butter topped toast with cheese and spaghetti. Then thinking about going to play but I forgot about the most fantastic adventurous tremendous Summer Learning Journey. So then going into my room and starting on a razzle dazzle activity. My first tremendous activity was about books and I had to make a fun book cover!. Which super duper fun I kind of felt like an author. Now I am on this fantastic activity so my day is go great as planed.

Image result for shakespeare writing style sign

1 comment:

  1. Greetings thee King Francis of Saint Pius,

    Thou was impressed by thy blog post! Thine eyes hast nev’r seen such fruitful work. Thy Shakespearian tis bet’r than my own but twas ultrally impressed by thy mahi! Thine book cover looketh ever so ambitious and full of beauty. King Francis, pleath carry on the testing journey of Summer Learning and may thee be rewarded with thy cup of success and valour. Thou share love for thy Spaghetti but thou shalt not be cheeseth for I, Sir Mani-lot of Manaiakalani do not consume such vile solids. Thou full of happiness to see thee King Francis experience enjoyment and fulfilment. Blesseth he whom completes thy quaint quest and may we cross paths again.

    Farewell my King,
    Sir Mani-lot
