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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Week 1: Day 2 Activity 3.

Day 2 Weird and Wonderful.
How I figured this out is that we all know there are lots of amazing plants in the world like cactus and we all know that we have to feed these cactus 3 ml of water a day isn't that cool I just found out about that so how I solved it was we all know there 365 days in a year so I used my times table knowledge and I timed the number 3 by 300 then that gave me = 900 then I timed the number 3  by the number 60 and that gave me = 180 and then I timed the number 3 by the number 5 and then that gave me  = 15. So after that I connected it all together together it made 1095 millimetres.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Francis, it's Billy here from the Summer Learning Journey. It's fantastic to see that you are still completing activities this summer, keep it up!

    Happy new year! I've enjoyed discovering the strategies you've used to solve this difficult mathematics equation.

    I would have also separated 365 into 300, 60 and 5. You have impressive knowledge of place value. It's often easier to break numbers apart and solve the equation in three steps rather than one.

    Since you're so clever, I have an extension question for you;
    how much water would the cactus need over 15 years?

    Thanks, Billy.
